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Infometrics | Projects

Game-changer: Harbour Development

World demand for seafood has always been strong, and there are predictions that aquaculture will supply over 60 percent of the fish we eat by 2030! Ōpōtiki is ready to contribute to this huge market, with 160 kilometres of coastline with highly productive seawater that has the potential to support a sizable aquaculture industry. The Ōpōtiki Harbour Development Project will provide access for larger boats by creating an entrance that is navigable in all but the worst conditions, enabling Opotiki to become a service and processing base for aquaculture and other marine related industries.

To find out more about this transformational project, head to the dedicated Harbour Development Project page on Ōpōtiki District Council's website.

Town centre revitalisation

Our town is on a path to becoming a vibrant area that reflects our past, present and future communities. The 3 key parts to the revilatisation project being:

  1. Spruce it Up: Council and building owners work together to smarten up the town centre. This could include activities such as painting building facades; repairing verandahs; decluttering signage and replacing flags.
  2. Heritage and Taonga: Council is working with stakeholders to develop a heritage and taonga trail into, and around, the town centre.
  3. Connecting land and sea: Council is working with stakeholders to develop a walkway/cycleway between the town centre and wharf.

Check out the progress on Connect | Hono Mai

Harbour-Wharf Masterplan

This project is an exciting step forward and complements the other areas of the town that have been updated like Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi, the skate park, playground and the cenotaph paved area - all with the aim to draw people to our CBD, and improve business.

You can read more about the progress of this and all the other projects council is currently working on, on their website.

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