Waioeka Gorge Travel Distances

Ōpōtiki to Gisborne, Waioeka Gorge, SH 2

The 140km trip from Ōpōtiki to Gisborne is very different from around the coast, but also beautiful. After the first 10km across the Ōpōtiki plains, the road winds into the bushclad Waioeka river valley: called The Waioeka Journey. You can take advantage of a series of picnic stops, and in places, it’s easy to get to the river.


(distances from Ōpōtiki)

  • 25km Tauranga Bridge has a pretty walkway.
  • 47km Manganuku has a DoC camping area and bush tracks.
  • 61km summit of the 725m high Traffords hill.
  • 64km If you have time for a superb diversion, turn onto Whakekopae Road to Eastwoodhill Arboretum and Rere Falls, a natural waterslide.
  • 72km Matawai is a good place to break for a coffee. This is where the Old Motu Coach Road heads off to the coast: a very scenic but challenging unsealed road.
  • 91km Otoko has the Heritage Trail Walkway.
  • 144km Gisborne.