Nukuhou Saltmarsh

Nukuhou Saltmarsh is a 20-minute drive from Opotiki. Anytime you’re travelling between Opotiki and Ohope, it’s well worth a stop.

The local care group have created a superb area, complete with a picnic and viewing Lookout over the harbour saltmarsh. Some 2km of paths and boardwalk take you out amongst the reeds and flaxes, and if you wish, up the Nukuhoe river.

Thanks to extensive predator control, there are healthy populations of the secretive birds that make the saltmarsh their home. If you’re keen to know more, visit the nearby Cheddar Valley Pottery: potters Margaret and Stuart Slade are a key part of the care group.

Get there: Take SH2 (Waiotahe Beach Road) to Kutarere, and soon after, turn off towards Ohope. It’s another 5km to the top end of the Nukuhou river walkway, just before the pottery. The Nukuhou Saltmarsh Lookout and parking area is another 1km towards Ohope.